Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Eventide (Tales of #1)
By Tracy and Laura Hickman
Scribe's Forge Publishing, 2011. 342 pgs. Science Fiction.

When a traveling bard falls into the clutches of a ravenous dragon, he keeps himself from being eaten by entertaining the dragon with story after story. The dragon finally lets him go, on the condition that he collect new stories with to entertain him. Thus the bard travels to Eventide and begins recording (and embroidering) the daily sagas of the village to share with his dragon lord.

The Hickmans unite to give a really fresh and fun feel to this collection of interwoven stories about a small village and the young and unimportant man who slowly becomes the hero. They have perfected the art of combining the small events of village life to show how they unite to make the big events people will remember.


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