Monday, January 8, 2007

Size 14 is Not Fat Either

SIZE 14 IS NOT FAT EITHER: Meg Cabot: Avon Books: 2006: Mystery: 344 pages

In the second Heather Wells mystery, former teen pop star (current residence hall employee) Heather Wells helps solve a murder when a cheerleader in her building turns up dead in the cafeteria. In addition to solving a mystery, Heather is kept busy spending time with her father who has just been released from jail and pining for her landlord, Cooper, the brother of her ex-fiance.

Meg Cabot is always good for some fluffy reading when you don't feel well and know you'll be sending all day on the couch. Her series tend to be repetitive, though, and her mysteries are disappointing if you actually want a mystery--the mystery is just a rickety structure to support traditional chick lit (20-something struggling in a career and romance). Chick lit fans will enjoy the story, but I think it's one of her weaker books. Also, not a clean read.


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