Saturday, July 20, 2019

How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7

How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7 
by Joanna Faber
Scribner, 2017. 409 pgs. Nonfiction

If you want (or desperately need because you’re losing your mind) better cooperation from your young child, this book is for you. Authors Faber and King tailor the parenting tools taught in How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & How to Listen So Kids Will Talk specifically for children ages 2-7 and present them in an engaging style. These tools offer effective solutions to the challenges that will vastly improve your working relationship with your children.

I listened to the audio version of this book, and I loved it. The narration style was interesting and had different narrators when different people were sharing their stories of using the tools. I really like the idea of a parenting toolbox, with different tools for different situations, and a lot of these principles are true even for other adults. This book is not a magic pill to make your kids obey you, but rather teaches reasonable expectations and how to communicate in a way that will get through to small children. It’s kind of like the dog whisperer but for kids. I highly recommend this book to anyone with children between 2-7 years old, especially if you’re struggling with yelling or feel like you’re losing it because they don’t listen.


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