Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Strength in What Remains

Strength in What Remains: A Journey of Remembrance and Forgiveness
By Tracy Kidder
Random House, 2009. 277 pgs. Biography

This is the true story of Deo and his escape from war torn Burundi and the Rwandan genocide. After six months on the run, he was able to secure a business visa to the United States and arrived in New York City completely friendless, unable to speak English, and with only $200 in his wallet. Only a few years later, he was able to graduate from Columbia University and enter medical school thanks to his own dedicated efforts and the help of a few friends he was lucky enough to find.

While Deo’s story of survival and achievement is unquestionablely admirable, I was somehow left a little underwhelmed. His story was so intriguing but the narrative seemed to skim over the best parts and the most fascinating people. During the last half of the book, Kidder describes a trip he and Deo make back to Burundi. They visit many sites where horrific scenes unfolded, but again, the narrative failed to satisfy my curiosity concerning what was going on and how people survive and move on from such terrible violence.


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