Monday, May 3, 2021


by Darcie Little Badger
Levine Querido, 2020. 360 pages. YA Fantasy/Mystery

In this award-winning contemporary fantasy/mystery, 17-year-old Elatsoe (Ellie) comes from a long line of Lipan Apache women who have a special affinity with the dead. Mostly, Ellie has used this power to train her ghost dog, Kirby, to play fetch and to warn her when he senses danger. When Ellie’s cousin, Trevor, dies suddenly in highly suspicious circumstances, he comes to Ellie in a dream and demands that she find his murderer and help protect his family. With the help of her best friend Jay, Ellie slowly uncovers a dark magical secret that could put the lives of the people she loves at risk.

If you like Elatsoe, you might also like:

by Holly Jackson
Delacorte Press, 2020, 390 pages, YA Mystery

Five years after a horrible murder happened in her hometown, Pip decides to reexamine the case as part of her senior project. The more Pip looks into the case, the more obvious it becomes that the supposed murderer is innocent, and many others in town appear to be more likely suspects. The audiobook for this book is especially worth listening to.

Although Elatsoe weaves supernatural elements into its mystery, both books follow clever teenagers as they solve a mystery with ever-increasing stakes.

by Gavriel Savit
Alfred A. Knopf, 2020, 360 pages, YA Fantasy

When the Angel of Death passes through the Eastern European town of Tupik, teens Yehuda Leib and Bluma accidentally follow him into the Far Country, the Jewish Land of the Dead. Yehuda Leib and Bluma must cross the Far Country, make pacts with ancient demons, and declare war on Death himself in hopes of getting out of the Far Country alive. The audiobook for this book is also a great listen.

Yehuda Leib, Bluma, and Ellie all share a sort of affinity with the dead that lies at the center of both of their stories. Both stories also incorporate elements of folklore and magical traditions of diverse cultures.


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