Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Martin Luther

Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World
by Eric Metaxas
Viking, 2017, 480 pgs.  Biography

Metaxas begins his carefully researched and thoroughly readable biography of Martin Luther by telling the reader that most of what they think they know about this great man of faith is not true.  Then he lays out the truth behind Luther’s life, actions, and cause.  Luther emerges as a courageous man who never intended to change the world but, when faced with adversity, stood firmly and fought for the God he felt was being abandoned by Western Christendom.

This biography was as gripping to me as many thrillers.  Though I thought I knew the story, Metaxas presents Luther in vivid color as a man searching for his own salvation despite real dangers and violent opposition.  His war was mainly waged with words in an age when the power of print was just taking hold thanks to the printing press.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about history, religion, or fascinating individuals (or even those who just enjoy a great story).


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