Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Jungleland: A Mysterious Lost City, a WWII Spy, and a True Story of Deadly Adventure 
By Christopher Stewart
Harper, 2013. 263 pgs. Biography

With the ever-expanding scope of GPS and satellite imaging, there are few truly uncharted regions left in the world. There are still a few, however, and in "Jungleland," journalist Christopher Stewart follows the celebrated explorer Theodore Morde's 1940 expedition deep into the rain forests of Honduras seeking a fabled hidden city. Christopher becomes almost obsessed with the idea of finding the White City as he researches Morde's fearless travels, rumored discoveries and mysterious death. His fixation drives him, an inexperienced camper or hiker, on a parallel journey in an attempt to see what Morde saw and find for himself, and the world, what treasures lie hidden in this almost impenetrable wilderness.

Readers who enjoyed Mitchell Zuckoff's "Lost in Shangri-La" or David Grann's "The Lost City of Z" will certainly want to pick up "Jungleland." This is a worthy addition to the armchair adventurer's bookshelf. Stewart balances his own travels and explorations with those of his subject and provides a fascinating look at how some parts of the world retain their mystery and wonder -- which is fortunate for all those adventurous souls with an itch to explore and discover.


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