The first installment in Haddix's 7 part series introduces us to Luke, a hidden third child and The Shadow Children series' main protagonist. After a terrible famine and totalitarian political shift the Country Luke lives in enacts a law that no family can have more than two children. Luke is a hidden third child forced to stay indoors at all times and hide his existence. He is not even allowed to eat dinner at the table with his family out of fear that someone might see him. When Luke discovers another "hidden child" in the house next door his perception of hidden children changes drastically. Unlike Luke, Jen feels very strongly about the injustices hidden children endure and wants to change their invisible status at any cost.
While this book is primarily for young readers (very short and easy to read) the ideas are pretty complex and make for a very interesting read. I think this would be a great pick for reluctant readers, and boy especially. Among the Hidden is just the beginning of Luke's story and the cliffhanger at the end will make you want to read them all.