Monday, March 28, 2016

Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates

Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed  American History
By Brian Kilmeade
Sentinel, 2015. 238 pgs. Nonfiction

Did you know that pirates were one of the first challenges facing the newly formed United States of America?  It’s true.  As this young nation began to build its economy, its merchant ships increasingly became the target of Barbary pirates.  Other, wealthier, nations avoided the some of these dangers by paying large ransoms and bribes.  The United States could not afford the staggering amounts demanded.  Diplomacy, negotiations, and, finally, all-out war with a freshly built U.S. Navy was required to establish safe trading routes for American merchants.

“Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates” is a great look at a lesser known aspect early American history.  Familiar figures like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison make appearances. But less known American heroes are given a chance to shine through this story of adventure, sacrifice and bravery.  A perfect book for history buffs and armchair adventurers!


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