Monday, February 14, 2011

Close to Famous

Close to Famous
By Joan Bauer
Viking, 2011. 250 pgs. Young Adult

Twelve-year-old Foster and her mother hightail it out of Memphis when Huck, Foster's mom's Elvis-impersonator boyfriend, gets violent. They wind up in Culpepper, West Virginia where Foster works toward her dream of being a famous baker and conquering the world one cupcake at a time. As she's developing her various cupcakes, she also deals with the threat of Huck, her difficulties reading, and making new friends in her new town.

Joan Bauer has done it again! I love her books, and I was delighted by her newest offering. Foster and her new friends are delightful characters, Foster's struggles are moving and inspiring, and her cupcakes sound delicious! This book left me with a big smile on my face, and the only bad thing I have to say is that now I'll have to wait a couple of years for Bauer to publish another book.


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