Tuesday, November 3, 2009


By Anna Godbersen
Harper, 2010. 391 pgs. Young Adult

Will everyone end up happy at the end of the Luxe series? These young women and men have had their shares of heartaches and happiness, while enjoying wealth and luxury due to their backgrounds and status, but will they finally gain what they desire the most? Diana has followed Henry to Cuba and is eager to spend the rest of her life with him, in whatever position that might be. Penelope is starting to realize that Henry’s love is out of her reach, but finds she might gain the love of another. Carolina’s sole desire is to marry Leland, but her shady background is always a small step behind her. Elizabeth is enjoying the security of a new marriage and home, but will that feeling last?

The conclusion to the Luxe series is as entertaining and delicious as the first three books. I was very eager to read this and see how Godbersen resolved the characters’ relationships. I admit I was surprised by some of the conclusions, but they make sense and seem fitting to the characters and their personalities. Overall, this is a great conclusion to an addictive series.


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