Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sea Prayer

Sea Prayer
by Khaled Hosseini
Riverhead Books, 2018. 48 pages. Fiction

In this short but incredibly moving book, a father addresses his sleeping son as if writing a letter as they wait to embark on the treacherous voyage across the sea at dawn. The father speaks fondly of his youth, and the pain he feels knowing his son's few memories of Syria are only those of war and loss. Reminiscing turns to prayer of hope for a place of peace and safety, a prayer that they will live to find it.

This book proves the adage that great things come in small packages. In less than fifty pages, the plight of this unnamed refugee father and his child, just two among millions of others like them are powerfully brought to life with honest, moving prose. I don't know how exactly to describe how a story so small and simple filled me with such great empathy. This is a must-read.


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