Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm with Fatty

I’m with Fatty: Losing 50 pounds in 50 miserable weeks
By Edward Ugel
Weinstein Books, 2010. 244 p. Biography

Some people have a bit of a weight problem, but when Edward Ugel gained 10 pounds one month he realized he might have a crisis on his hands, or to be exact, in his hands as he jiggled his rapidly growing love handles. His daughter also gave him some honest criticism when she loudly pointed out that he was ‘TOO BIG’ to jump in her kiddy pool. But when his doctor told him his life was now on the line, he started to get serious. That’s when he developed the “50 pounds in 50 weeks” scheme to take off his weight. It took a lot of spousal encouragement, a nutritionist, a personal trainer and a couple colon cleanses to make it through this tough year and with plenty of setbacks, Ugel had much to contend with. But he came through it with a lot less weight on his bones, a love of racquetball and a newfound respect for himself.

The book is an amazingly honest self-portrayal of a man who discovers he has an out-of-control eating disorder and commits to subdue his weighty mass. As the title portends, it’s a humorous and sympathetic look at losing weight from the rare male perspective, but Ugel is overly crass and it’s not something I’d highly recommend.


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