Monday, August 13, 2007

The World is Flat: a Brief History of the Twenty-First Century

THE WORLD IS FLAT: A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: Thomas L. Friedman: Farrar, Straw, and Giroux: Non Fiction: 488 pages

Thomas Friedman comes out and makes the claim that the world is indeed flat. And how is it flat you ask? Globalization. He shows that through advanced technology, connections are made in today's world that force your company to not just compete with the other firms in town, but ones across the globe.

You feel smart just reading this book. I finally understand the .com bust. Who would have thought. At times Friedman gets on a bandwagon and you need to skim, but overall the book is filled with interesting facts that will make for great conversation at your next dinner party.


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