Tuesday, June 19, 2007

'Salem's Lot

'SALEM'S LOT: Stephen King: Simon and Schuster Audio: 2004: Audio Book 15 Disks: Fiction

This was my first Stephen King novel, and for the first two thirds of the book I was convinced that Stephen King had been given a bad rap by censoring Mothers and snobby "literary" types. I was really charmed by the interactions of the small town, the developing relationship between the main character Ben and small town sweetheart Susan Norton, and the growing spookiness that seemed to settle increasingly on the town. Towards the end it got a bit too vampire crusady for me, and I could see how mom's might want to censor and snob literary types might want to reduce it to mere pulp horror fluff (if there is such a thing). HOWEVER, all and all I liked it. I was quit entertained, and found the storyline gripping during most of the narration.


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