Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Into the Sunken City

Into the Sunken City 
By Dinesh Thiru 
Harperteen, 2024. 347 pages. Young Adult 

In the slowly sinking city of Coconino, Arizona, the days are long, the money is tight, and the rain never stops. For Jin Haldar, this life is nothing new—ever since her father died in a diving accident, she's barely made ends meet for her and her younger sister, Thara. Enter Bhili: a drifter who offers Jin and Thara the score of a lifetime—a massive stash of gold hidden in the sunken ruins of Las Vegas. Jin knows it's too dangerous. She stopped diving after her father's accident. But when her sister decides to go, Jin's left with only one choice: to go with her. A high-stakes heist ensues that's beyond even Jin's wildest fears. Crumbling ruins, sea beasts, corsairs, and a mysterious figure named João Silva all lie in wait. To survive, Jin will have to do what she promised herself she'd never do again: dive. 

I really loved the world building in this novel, and the diving (particularly in Las Vegas) reminded me of the video game HOIRZON: FORBIDDEN WEST (not to mention the theme of climate change apocalypse). This novel was action-packed, fast-paced, and kept the tension high throughout. I felt like it was a really nice genre blend of action, adventure, apocalypse fiction, heist, and a bit of romance. 

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Dutton Books, 2014. 298 pages. Young Adult 

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Wednesday Books, 2020. 353 pages. Young Adult 

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