Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Boy Meets Girl

Boy Meets Girl
By Meg Cabot
Avon, 2003. 387 pages. Fiction

Cabot’s second book in the Boy series (although, each book can be read as a stand-alone novel) is also written through emails with the addition this time of journals, text messages, to-do lists, and even notes scribbled on menus. Kate Mackenzie works in the H.R. department of the New York Journal and her tyrant boss, Amy Jenkins, has just ordered her to fire Ida Lopez, the beloved dessert cart lady for refusing to sell desserts to Stuart Hertzog, the Journal’s legal counsel and general uppity jerk. Gentle Ida sues for wrongful termination, and Stuart asks his younger brother, Mitch, to take on the suit since he can’t. But unlike Stuart, Mitch actually cares about justice. Mitch and Kate soon bond over their common belief that Ida was wronged, but when Amy tries to lay the blame for her H.R. blunder on Kate, Mitch will do anything to prove she is innocent.

Cabot is spot on with some of her characters and the witty emails that zip back and forth. This is an enjoyable novel, but I didn’t like it as much as her first book, The Boy Next Door.


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