Monday, October 29, 2007

Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-day Saints in Modern America

CONTEMPORARY MORMONISM: LATTER-DAY SAINTS IN MODERN AMERICA: Claudia L. Bushman: Praeger Publishers: Nonfiction: 241 pgs.

American voters curious about Mitt Romney's religion would do well to read Columbia University Professor Bushman's latest title. It would save the candidate from having to respond to ill-informed questioners by suggesting they look for the answer on the LDS web site. And if you are not a member of the faith, don't worry. The well-documented book's purpose is not to convert souls despite the author being a third-generation Mormon. It will inform you with no hidden agenda.

You won't learn scintillating secrets, but you also won't find controversies buried. Emotion-laden subjects ripe for outrage, such as the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the First Presidency speaking against the proposed Equal Rights Amendment or the seemingly overdue (1978) announcement that made worthy men of all races eligible for priesthood, are not glossed over. Those unfamiliar with the 177-year old religious institution could lay to rest some societal misconceptions about the modern Mormon community.


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