Friday, September 20, 2024

Navigating With You

Navigating with You
By Jeremy Whitley
Maverick, 2024. 220 pages. Young Adult Comics.

When new students Neesha Sparks and Gabby Graciana discover they like the same obscure manga series, they become friends and set out on a mission to find the remaining books in the series.

This graphic novel was so sweet! I was expecting it to be more informational about the struggles someone exploring their gender identity or experiencing ableism, but was pleasantly surprised to have the author include these elements while still focusing on the plot of the novel. The author hints at many of the answers as to why the girls are struggling early-on in the novel, however, leaves the reveal of how these things happened until near the end, creating a lovely story with beautiful character arcs.  It has full-color illustrations for the main story and black and white illustrations for the manga inserts, I would recommend this to anyone who is searching for a somewhat laid-back coming-of-age story with plenty of romance!
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Atheneum, 2024. 329 pages. YA Comics.
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