Monday, July 1, 2024

The Witch's Heart

The Witch's Heart book cover: a navy background with Angrboda's face in profile, her hair interwoven with illustrations of a snake, wolf, and woman's face

The Witch’s Heart 

By Genevieve Gornichec 

Penguin Audio, 2021. 359 pages. Fantasy 

    Angrboda is a witch so old and reborn so many times that even she doesn’t know her origin. She knows only that she possesses powerful prophetic powers. After her most recent burning, Angrboda runs away, physically stripped of heart. Loki, the Norse trickster god, returns her heart, and Angrboda in turn falls in love. Angrboda bears three children with Loki, and each one is as unique as their parents. But this isn’t a story of domicile bliss as Odin continues to hunt for Angrboda and her gift. When she foresees a grim future for her family, she devotes herself to protecting them, aided by the mighty huntress, Skadi. In this epic tale of love and loss, Genevieve Gornichec retells Norse myths that connect with modern readers for its inventive twists that center women’s stories. Fans of Norse folklore, fantasy, and LGBTQIA+ romance will love this book. 

    I love stories of women with unending potential who learn to embrace their uniqueness. I’ve found myself questioning why Angrboda isn’t included in every Norse tale since reading this book. I also enjoyed Gornichec’s re-imagining of Hel, the goddess of death popularized by Cate Blanchett’s portrayal in Thor: Ragnorok. The audiobook, narrated by Jayne Entwistle, is clear and compelling, allowing listeners to keep up with the many Norse characters and their mythical tales throughout the novel. 

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