Monday, November 14, 2022

Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight

Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight
By Riku Onda
Bitter Lemon Press, 2022. 204 pages. Fiction

Set in Tokyo over the course of one night, Aki and Hiro have decided to be together one last time in their shared flat before parting. Their relationship has broken down after a mountain trek during which their guide died inexplicably. Now, each believes the other to be a murderer and is determined to extract a confession before the night is over. Who is the murderer and what really happened on the mountain? In the battle of wills between them, the chain of events leading up to this night are gradually revealed. 

This is a fascinating study of character, atmosphere, and metaphor. For such a short book, it's still a slow burn and you meander through flashbacks and old memories to understand more about the characters. It's got complex emotions, discombobulated memories, and tangled motivations, which all add to the suspense and speculation. This is a great choice for those who enjoy psychological thrillers. 

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