Wednesday, December 1, 2021

This One Wild And Precious Life

This One Wild And Precious Life: The Path Back to Connection in a Fractured World
By Sarah Wilson
Dey St., 2020. 344 pages. Nonfiction

Many of us are living with the sense that things are not right with the world as global problems continue to mount, leaving us in a state of spiritual PTSD. We have retreated, morally and psychologically; we are experiencing a crisis of disconnection—from one another, from our true values, from joy, and from life as we feel we are meant to be living it. Sarah Wilson argues that this sense of despair and disconnection is ironically what unites us—that deep down, we are all feeling that same itch for a new way of living.

Each chapter's heading is written like a small poem, making every word feel deliberate. With notes included in the margins and a vast array of topics that seem separate yet connected, This One Wild and Precious Life provides a peek into a world both new and familiar. Drawing on science, literature, philosophy and the wisdom of some of the world's leading experts, and her personal journey, Wilson weaves a one-of-a-kind narrative that lights the way back to the life we love.

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