Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Lost Heiress

The Lost Heiress
By Roseanna M. White
Bethany House, 2015. 439 pgs. Inspirational Fiction

Brook Eden has never known where she really fits in. She was raised by an opera singer in Monaco and many people think her the illegitimate daughter of the Prince. As she gets older she decides to find the truth. Justin, a long-time English friend, agrees to help her search for answers. It soon appears that she may be the lost daughter of an Englishman and heiress to a fortune. Brooke goes to England to meet a family she has never known. Everything seems to be falling into place. Soon some disturbing stories begin to surface and Brooke is in a race to find out why her real mother was killed as she was fleeing for her life on a dark and stormy night before Brook's life is threatened too.

This novel has a little bit of everything: romance, mystery, adventure, and religion. Brooke is a strong heroine who doesn't sit back and wait for life to happen. She knows how to shoot a gun, drive a car, and break unbreakable horses which are all things that women of her time shouldn't do. Justin is more thoughtful and cautious. They help to balance each other out when they aren't driving each other crazy. I liked that this historical fiction novel had a layer of mystery to carry the story along. This novel would be good for fans of Sarah Eden or Julianne Donaldson.


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