Monday, November 11, 2019

This Is How It Always Is

This Is How It Always Is
by Laurie Frankel
Flatiron Books, 2017. 327 pages. Fiction

This novel is about the way it always is: "change is always hard and miraculous and then hard again; parenting is always a leap into the unknown with crossed fingers and full hearts; children grow but not always according to plan; and families with secrets don't get to keep them forever." Rosie and her husband Penn are thrilled to welcome a fifth little boy into their family and are happy that they've had so many boys; they now know what to expect. But Claude is unlike their other sons. Claude is different. One day he puts on a dress and won't take it off. He wants to bring a purse to kindergarten. When he grows up, Claude wants to be a girl. His family is immediately supportive, assuming that Claude will grow out of this phase. But it's not a phase. Claude wants to live his life as Poppy. Poppy is who she really is.

This book made my heart soar. I felt protective over Poppy from the very moment she was born and felt like I was standing next to her parents as they navigated this difficult journey. They are Poppy's biggest champions and I was cheering for her alongside them. The journey they're on is difficult, remarkable, full of love, and not to be missed.


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