Monday, November 4, 2019

Beautiful Music for Ugly Children

Beautiful Music for Ugly Children
By Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Flux, 2012. 271 pages. Young Adult

Gabe is just like any teenager in his Midwest town, struggling to navigate high school, a job, his parents, his friends, and liking girls. Gabe is also different from other teenagers in his Midwest town in that Gabe is transgender. Gabe was born Elizabeth and up until a few months ago, has lived his life fighting with his body at every turn. This novel follows Gabe as he goes through coming out to his family and close friends, which is a pretty remarkable experience, but it follows him through some pretty unremarkable experiences too; a new job, a new crush, and his love for music. Gabe's "average" high school trials and tribulations are amplified when his gender identity is factored in, and readers will find themselves cheering for Gabe's successes in life, love, and growing up.

I picked up this young adult book after it was recommended by me to a friend and it didn't disappoint. Gabe is a reliable narrator who allows the reader insight into his mind and his heart in a unique way. I was impressed with how well the writing flowed and how deeply I cared for the characters. If you're ready to put yourself in someone else's shoes for a bit, this book is for you.


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