Saturday, January 19, 2019

Mercy Thompson: Homecoming

Mercy Thompson: Homecoming
by Patricia Briggs
Ballantine Books. 2009. 112 pgs. Graphic Novels

Have you ever wondered what life was like for Mercy when she first moved to the Tri Cities? Mercy has just graduated college and wants to find a teaching position in the Tri Cities and she is having a hard time because the school values someone who can coach sports more than how well they teach history to their students. And in true Mercy like fashion she got in way over her head within hours of showing up in town.

So I am slowly easing my way into the world of graphic novels. It is such a different story telling mechanic than the traditional way books are presented. I loved the way the art conveys the emotion and the setting without having a long explanation. Personally I loved imagining the characters more than seeing them on the page but I thought they tied in a lot of the set up information presented in other books really nicely.


1 comment:

  1. In this awesome graphic novel we meet Mercy Thompson before she was completely mixed up in trouble in the Tri-cities area. We learn what brought her there and what made her stay. Along the way, we meet the other main characters in the series just as Mercy met them for the first time. I loved the artwork in this book. Even though Mercy isn’t exactly depicted in her pictures the way she is described in the books, I feel that the artists did a great job of capturing her essence and personality in a way that is easy to see and felt true to Mercy. It was also fun to see the other characters meeting Mercy for the first time as well. Overall, this is a great companion piece to the Mercy Thompson series and “Mercyverse.”

