Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Soulful Simplicity: how living with less can lead to so much more

Soulful Simplicity: how living with less can lead to so much more
by Courtney Carver
Penguin Random House, 2017, 234 pgs. Nonfiction

Courtney Carver recollects her journey of change after she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This was her wake-up call to start changing her life to a simpler and more meaningful way of life. She provides steps and guideposts to make a plan with your loved ones to figure out what you want to change and accomplish. As she takes you through these steps, she talks about some of her personal things she changed. One of the major things she and her husband wanted to do was pay off all debt, so they downsized significantly. Although this book is not just about simplifying objects, she addresses the why behind letting go of so much and dressing with less items made her life better.

There was a period in my life when I also became really sick and when my job and responsibilities were too much. Carver’s belief that these moments are wake up calls really spoke to me, and reading her experience was very helpful and enjoyable. There are many ideas in here to slow down, simplify, and enjoy life. One we attempted at our home was to take as long to enjoy the dinner at the table as you took to make it. I had not done that since being in Europe, and it was a treat for our friends and family! I will revisit this book again later when I feel myself getting too caught up in things and being busy rather than spending time with my loved ones.


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