Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Martian

The Martian
by Andy Weir
Crown, 2014. 369 pgs. Science Fiction

     When Mark Watney's crew leaves him behind on Mars because they think he is dead, he must figure out how to survive until the next Mars mission shows up four years' hence.  Chances of living that long and being rescued?  Slim to none. But he sets about it.  A botanist, he first figures out how to create arable soil in which to grow potatoes, and then has to figure out how to water his crop. Explosions, habitat breaches, and sandstorms, among many other things, keep Mark's life interesting--perhaps hardest to take is the relentless supply of 70s TV episodes stored on his commander's abandoned data stick.  Weir's narrative takes several surprising turns which I will keep to myself, but if you think you will tire of Watney's Robinson Crusoe life, keep going. There is much more to be had in this old-fashioned, deeply satisfying sci-fi thriller.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I borrow a book and think, "that was nice," and then return it to the library. This is a book I immediately went out and bought for my personal collection so that I can read it anytime I want.

    I saw the movie in theaters, and we all know that the majority of the time the book is better than the movie. That holds true here. The book is full of extra details about Mark's struggles with his garden of potatoes and travels in his modified rover. The movie glossed over or completely omitted some major elements of the book, so reading it felt like a new but familiar adventure. Even though I knew how the book would end, I couldn't put it down.

    If you've already seen the movie, that is no excuse to not read the book. They're similar, but the book has so much more that it will still feel new and exciting. I would recommend this for anyone interested in space travel and exploration.

