Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bond Girl

Bond GirlBy Erin Duffy
William Morrow, 2012. 293 pgs. Fiction

Alex Garrett has landed her dream job on Wall Street. With a college degree in her pocket and an idealized picture of high-powered finance, she arrives on her first day of work starry-eyed and hopeful. What she finds is an environment her education couldn’t begin to prepare her for. She is given a folding chair as her workspace, coffee and pizza runs as her most important errands, and a somewhat degrading nickname of ‘girlie’. Despite her career quickly overtaking her entire life, Alex still grows to love many parts of her job including the handsome trader sitting on the back row.

‘Bond Girl’ is where chick lit meets big money. Alex is a great heroine. You can’t help but root for her and she lacks the annoying tendency to sabotage herself like many of her literary peers. Very little ‘graphic’ content, but readers should be prepared for some harsh language.


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