Monday, October 3, 2011

The Sweetest Thing

The Sweetest Thing
By Christina Mandelski
Egmont USA, 2011. 330 pgs. Young Adult

When Sheridan Wells's father, a local chef, gets an offer for a TV show, the town couldn't be more excited. But Sheridan isn't happy about it at all, especially since this show could mean they have to relocate to NYC, something Sheridan absolutely doesn't want to do. Sheridan's mother left when she was a kid, but she said she'd come back, and Sheridan is waiting for her to keep that promise. Additionally, she has a good job decorating cakes, something she loves doing, and Ethan, pretty much the hottest guy at school, has finally noticed her, and even though that has pretty much killed her friendship with her lifetime best friend Jack, Sheridan just wants to push ahead with things the way that they are.

I really like food fiction, and this one was pretty fun, except for some points where Sheridan seemed excessively whiny. (Realistic,yes, but not necessarily enjoyable to read.) Her process of coming to understand what she really wants and what is best for her is one that many teens will relate to. Overall, it's better than average but not spectacular.


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