Monday, May 2, 2011


By Carolyn Mackler
HarperTeen, 2010. 308 pgs. Young Adult

The lives of four teens are tangled as they vacation at a resort in the Caribbean. Rich girl Skye's mother invites a friend and her daughter, Jena, to vacation with them, despite the fact that Skye and Jena have never really clicked. While there, Jena starts a whirlwind romance with Dakota, who is pretty much a jerk, and briefly sees his brother Owen working on a blog; the blog intrigues her and they become friends.

I'm sure there are readers out there who would like this book, but I am not one of them. I liked the interaction between Owen and Jena, but I didn't really care about any of the characters (I find it hard to connect with characters when there are multiple narrators), and I actually didn't like Dakota, even when he started to change. This isn't a clean read, and while I do read books that aren't squeaky clean, and this isn't the "worst" one I've read, something about this one bothered me. Overall, the few things I did like pale in comparison to the things I didn't.


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