Saturday, December 18, 2010

Secret Santa

Secret Santa
By Sabrina James
Point, 2007. 357 pgs. Young Adult

When North Ridge High School decides to hold a Secret Santa exchange, it creates all sorts of mayhem. Noelle is determined to be her crush Charlie's Secret Santa, but draws his brother's name instead. Celia is thrilled to draw Jake's name, since she has a crush on him, but his friend Froggy likes Celia and is hoping to use his opportunity as her Secret Santa to reveal his feelings. Lily is determined to give Connor great Secret Santa gifts purely because she enjoys the spirit of Christmas, but she keeps giving him things he doesn't like and makes Connor's girlfriend jealous in the process.

This book was pretty much dreadful. I picked it up wanting a light, fun read for Christmas time, and while is light, it wasn't much fun to read because of the style. The writing was awful, the description of clothing was overdone, and the guys in the book pretty much all sounded like teenage girls. (I doubt, even if a guy were insecure and jealous of another guy that he would call the guy a hottie and discuss his dimples and cleft chin). I kept reading, hoping that the ending would make up for the rest of the book, but it really didn't. Even though things worked out just as any reader would have predicted, the ending was rushed and overdone and had me rolling my eyes, wishing I hadn't wasted my time.

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