Monday, September 14, 2009

Twenties Girl

Twenties Girl
By Sophie Kinsella
Dial Press, 2009. 435 pgs. Fiction.

Lara’s life is a bit of a mess. Her career is quickly unraveling, her boyfriend has just dumped her, her family relationships are a bit beyond strained, and on top of all that, she is being haunted by her Great-Aunt Sadie. Sadie, who recently passed away at the age of 105, appears to her great-niece as a vibrant and demanding flapper in her 20’s, who desperately needs Lara’s help in order to ‘rest in peace.’

This entertaining piece of romantic comedy is one of Kinsella’s cleaner books, which is still far from being a clean read. I really enjoyed the glimpses of the 1920’s along with the idea of generations meeting and finding common ground. If you like British chic-lit, you will like this newest addition to the genre.



  1. If you're in the mood for laughs, this is for you. I laughed like crazy all the way through! A super fun chick-lit story with a decidedly unique premise. Granted, I do wish they didn't have such potty mouths. It spoils what would otherwise be a favorite pick. :)


  2. I wasn't crazy about this pick from Sophie Kinsella. She seems to enjoy making up a scatterbrained yet well meaning twenty-something and then putting her in different embarrassing situations, add a ready made boyfriend (not the protagonists first pick, of course) stir slightly and then voila! Kinsella writes yet another fluffy chick-lit where all is well that ends well. Lara is a likable enough heroine, although she seems slightly dim about business and ex-flames. I felt like the romance in this novel was contrived and had no real chemistry or meaning. The true pleasure in this novel is Sadie, a ghost who won't stop until she's vindicated. I enjoyed the verbal sparring between Sadie & Lara. Although Lara is wishy-washy Sadie certainly never is.
