Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Temple: Where Heaven Meets Earth

Truman G. Madsen
Deseret Book, 2008. 193 p. Non-Fiction

The temple is considered the most sacred edifice for people of the LDS faith--the pinnacle of their religious experience. Truman G. Madsen, well-renowned religious scholar, has spent much of his time researching and pondering the myriad aspects of temple worship. He had a desire to “know the beauties—which include truths and powers and blessings and promises”. Although these writings are not new, they were scattered amongst various sources. At last, this fine compilation brings together the numerous talks and papers he has written on the subject and allows the reader to reap the benefits of his scholarship in one publication. Madsen discusses a number of fascinating topics with chapters such as: ‘The Temple and the Mysteries of Godliness’, ‘Joseph Smith and the Kirtland Temple’ and ‘Ancient Temples and the Restoration’. Spiritually illuminating.

People say the temple requires a lifetime of attendance to understand its deeper significance and so do Madsen’s writings require numerous readings to fully absorb the more erudite chapters--but worth the extended effort. An excellent read for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and something non-members might appreciate also, who often wonder "why all the mystery?" Here is Madsen's answer.


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