Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Stolen One

The Stolen One
By Suzanne Carlisle Crowley
Greenwillow Books, 2009. 405 p. Young Adult

Katherine Bab is a wild, irrepressible girl with an amazing gift for embroidery. When her foster mother dies, Kat and her deaf sister travel to London in order to unearth clues to Kat's parentage. When Kat is invited to join Queen Elizabeth's court, she becomes tangled in its complex dynamics, love being not the least of these. As she struggles to understand her feelings and her true desires, her story and the truth about her past are revealed in unexpected ways.

This was an interesting story with great appeal for the historical fiction fan. Although I encountered some personal frustration with Katherine's character, she was vividly drawn, as were all the characters in the novel. Although it was intriguing, this is not a book I would choose to read again, but it is, nonetheless, worthy of recommendation.


1 comment:

  1. I was entranced by this young adult novel which tackles a loose end concerning infamous history of Henry VIII and his many wives. I particularly liked the author's style of writing. The novel could be categorized as historical fiction yet has hints of fantasy woven in it. The main character Kat, is a typical teenager itching for a different life at the beginning of the novel. By the end of the novel she has grown and developed into a young woman who knows what she wants. This would be a good read for someone looking to learn more about the House of Tudor without an HBO rating.
