Friday, August 1, 2008

The Falconer's Knot

THE FALCONER'S KNOT: Mary Hoffman: Bloomsbury: Young Adult: 297 pages

In Renaissance Italy, a young nobleman, Silvano, admires Angelica, a married woman, and when Angelica’s husband is stabbed to death with Silvano’s stolen knife, Silvano seeks refuge in a Franciscan monastery, where he meets Chiara, a reluctant novice who has entered the adjoining abbey under pressure from her brother. When a visitor to the monastery is found murdered, Silvano is suspected of the crime and he and one of the friars attempt to solve the mystery. There are several plotlines twisting through this story—multiple love stories and mysteries—that eventually come together in a happy ending.


1 comment:

  1. I recommend this quick enjoyable mystery with lots of romantic twists. It was very interesting to learn about fresco paintings they did in chapels and the process to create the colors they used.
