Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Survival of the Sickest

SURVIVAL OF THE SICKEST: A MEDICAL MAVERICK DISCOVERS WHY WE NEED DISEASE: Dr. Sharon Moalem: William Morrow Publishing: Nonfiction: 264 pgs.

Dr. Moalem begins his fascinating medical treatise using unusual hereditary conditions to illustrate how these very conditions that can cause an early death actually helped our ancestors survive diseases like the Plague. From there it just gets more bizarre. He uses recent discoveries to explain to the novice how your Grandmother’s smoking could cause your children to be overweight, how sunglasses can cause you to get a sunburn, and how the wood frog’s ability to survive being frozen solid may help scientists cure diabetes.

At times random, the style and pace of this book make it fun and addictive. Definitely recommendable to anyone who, like me, loves little bizarre facts and random knowledge. Dr. Moalem’s true passion is in the asking of a question and to the end, encourages everyone to never lose the 3 year old in each of us. Never be afraid to ask why, and never be too busy to try to find an answer.


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