Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I Feel Bad About My Neck And Other Thoughts On Being A Woman

I FEEL BAD ABOUT MY NECK AND OTHER THOUGHTS ON BEING A WOMAN: Nora Ephron: Alfred A. Knopf: 2006: nonfiction: 137 pages

This is the perfect book to read when you are in a grumpy mood, you know, one of those days when everything annoys you. Nora Ephron (she wrote When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless In Seattle, & more) does not like fluffy books about aging gracefully, nor does she like how long it takes to look like you aren't. She does not like purses and she especially does NOT like her neck. This commentary on her life is an extremely fast and easy read with only a few expletives. For the younger audience it will give you a glimpse of what you have to look forward to. For those of us nearly or already 50ish, her witty humor is bound to get you smiling while you secretly relate to many of her life's experiences and philosophies. After two chapters grumpiness gone.


1 comment:

  1. Even though I am in my late twenties, I still found it enjoyable and relatable. You can see how she came up with such great screenplays as “Sleepless in Seattle.” I highly recommend listening to it, it makes any drive enjoyable.
