Monday, January 8, 2007

If You Could See Me Now

IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW: Cecelia Ahern: Hyperion: Fiction: 306 pgs.

Elizabeth is a successful, uptight, stressed out, over caffeinated, woman who clearly has her priorities askew (just like many heroines of today’s chic lit). Her unexpected rescuer and romancer is Ivan a fun loving, spontaneous, mysterious imaginary friend. However (unlike that really bad made for TV movie I can’t remember the name of but the guy from the LDS Pride and Prejudice was in it), Elizabeth isn’t totally pathetic when being romanced by a fake guy. The imaginary friend is her nephew’s…but Elizabeth can see him too…most of the time.

This is a totally clean (except for a little language and a few innuendos), totally cheesy, extremely fast, and pretty fun book. I liked it enough to read it in one day (which isn’t saying much…I was way overdue for a late night reading session). I really liked Elizabeth and I liked Ivan most of the time…except that he kept saying everything was “his absolute favorite”….the definition of favorite is “one that is regarded as special” not everything that is regarded as special…personal issue. Anyway, an inventive and pretty well written book I can easily recommend to anyone wanting a little romance and imagination.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this book--it was happy and sad all at the same time. It was tender and touching and just lovely.
